Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thing 13

Tagging sounds perfect for all of the Web 2.0 stuff. It seems to gel nicely with all of the concepts we have covered so far, including blogging. If someone is using Twitter (or would one say "Twittering?") I think tagging would be a good way to organize it. From what I understood after spending a little time on the Twitter site a user can tag posts. (Weren't they called hashmarks?) Tagging could help to organize all of those comments.

As far as using it in the library, I think it would be appropriate for certain users. As the library becomes more and more dependent upon the Internet and Web 2.0 tools library users are going to have to have ways to organize all of the information they gather. It won't matter if the user is organizing reference items or items they have accessed for pleasure--pictures, books, articles,games, etc. There is going to have to be a way to make sense of all the gobbledy-gook! I feel completely overwhelmed with all of the stuff I have learned from the Things so far and I have 10 more Things to do. I can't imagine using all of this stuff regularly and having to keep track. Especially if I was using all of these tools at work or in school tagging would be a key to keeping it straight.

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